
Internet technologies


Developing network related libraries in Haskell in 2022FY

This article is my annual report of 2022FY(fiscal year in Japan; from April 2022 to March 2023). My mission in IIJ is contribute to standardizations of new network protocols by their implementations. As you may know, I maintain some networ…

Accepting UDP connections

When we implements UDP servers, a pair of recvfrom() and sendto() is used typically. Received UDP packets are dispatched, if necessary, to each connection by our server itself. We might want to delegate this job to the OS kernel for the pe…

Integrating Fusion and cryptonite in Haskell quic

While Haskell quic version 0.0.1 or earlier supports the x86_64 architecture only, version 0.0.2 or later will supports non-x86_64 architectures. cryptonite When I started implementing the quic library in Haskell, I used cryptonite as cryp…

Releasing QUIC and HTTP/3 libraries

As I described in The Current Plan for Haskell QUIC, I have released the followings: tls http2 quic http3 warp-quic mighttpd2 tls tls v1.5.5 provides the Network.TLS.QUIC module. If you are interested in how this module has been improved, …

Migration API for QUIC clients

If I understand correctly, most QUIC implementations of clients and servers uses unconnected UDP sockets with sendto()/sendmsg() and recvfrom()/recvmsg(). For the server side, this is probably because they adopt event-driven programming. T…

Seeking the reasons for segfaults of a Haskell program

My open server of Haskell QUIC on Linux sometimes got segfaults. I saw two types of segfaults. One is a simple segfault by accessing a wrong address: mighty: segmentation fault The other is relating to free(): *** Error in `mighty': corrup…

QUIC and Linux capabilities

For security reasons, the typical boot process of HTTPS servers is as follows: Executed by a root. Reading a TLS private key and open a listen socket on TCP port 443. Switching the root user to nobody (or something). Since accept() can cre…

Testing QUIC servers with h3spec

h2spec is an excellent test tool to check if HTTP/2 servers can handle error cases correctly. When I was developing HTTP/2 server library in Haskell, I used to utilize Firefox and Chrome for normal cases and h2spec for error cases. h2spec …

The Current Plan for Haskell QUIC

In recent days, QUIC is hot. As the following blog posts describe, the standardization of QUIC is now in the final stage and h3-29 (HTTP/3 over QUIC of draft 29) is out there: Chrome is deploying HTTP/3 and IETF QUIC How Facebook is bringi…

Improving QUIC APIs of the TLS library in Haskell

In "Implementation status of QUIC in Haskell", I briefly described QUIC APIs of the TLS library in Haskell. I first invented APIs based on static functions but switched to the thread-based approach to follow Olivier Chéron's recommendation…

Developing QUIC Loss Detection and Congestion Control in Haskell

For last two months, I have been trying to implement "QUIC Loss Detection and Congestion Control" in Haskell. This blog article describes a brief summary on what I have done. ACK handling Before loss detection and congestion control were d…


QUICは、一年半実装を続けている僕でも全容を把握できているとは言い難いほど大きなプロトコルですが、ある側面をさっと理解するには、n月刊ラムダノート Vol.2, No.1(2020)に西田さんが書かれた「パケットの設計から見るQUIC」がオススメです。ただ、QUICの…

Implementing HTTP/3 in Haskell

Mew.org is now speaking HTTP/3 (HTTP/2 over QUIC). If you gain access to the site using Firefox Nightly, the first connection would be HTTP/2 then the following connections should be HTTP/3 led by Alt-Svc:. Firefox Nightly This article exp…

Implementation status of QUIC in Haskell

After implementing HTTP/2 in Haskell and TLS 1.3 in Haskell, I have been working for IETF QUIC. This article explains what I have done in 2019 fiscal year of Japan to report our sponsor, Internet Initiative Japan (IIJ). I have both titles …

HTTP/2 server library in Haskell

I'm trying to develop QUIC in Haskell. In short, QUIC is a fast and reliable transport protocol based on UDP. You can think of it as TCP2. HTTP/2 over QUIC is now called HTTP/3. Two level dispatchings are necessary for QUIC: Dispatching QU…

QUIC開発日記 その1 参戦

QUICや ああQUICや QUICや 詠み人知らず。QUICの実装の難しさに絶望した心境が詠まれたと伝う。 序章 2017年の7月ごろ、QUICの実装を始めました。Haskellの有名なシリアライザ/デシリアライザである binary や cereal では、バッファ操作ができないので、パ…