In "Implementation status of QUIC in Haskell", I briefly described QUIC APIs of the TLS library in Haskell. I first invented APIs based on static functions but switched to the thread-based approach to follow Olivier Chéron's recommendation. The current APIs got two steps further. This article describes how Olivier and I improved the thread-based APIs.
Recall the handshake flow of TLS 1.3:
This article focuses on the client side because it is more challenging than the server side.
Thread-based APIs
With the thread-based APIs, a designate TLS thread is spawn and its controller is created by the following API:
newQUICClient :: ClientParams -> IO ClientController
is defined as follows:
type ClientController = ClientControl -> IO ClientStatus
That is, the controller passes ClientControl
to the designated thread and receives ClientStatus
. ClientControl
is defined as follows:
data ClientControl = GetClientHello -- ^ 'SendClientHello' | PutServerHello ServerHello -- ^ 'SendClientHello', 'RecvServerHello', 'ClientNeedsMore' | PutServerFinished Finished -- ^ 'SendClientFinished' | PutSessionTicket SessionTicket -- ^ 'RecvSessionTicket' | ExitClient -- ^ 'ClientHandshakeDone'
The comments in the right-hand side describe corresponding ClientStatus
. The entire definition of ClientStatus
is as follows:
data ClientStatus = ClientNeedsMore | SendClientHello ClientHello (Maybe EarlySecretInfo) | RecvServerHello HandshakeSecretInfo | SendClientFinished Finished [ExtensionRaw] ApplicationSecretInfo | RecvSessionTicket | ClientHandshakeDone
Users of the controller can receive key information, TLS extension for QUIC transport parameters, etc through ClientStatus
. The following is an example usage of the controller:
handshakeClient :: ClientConfig -> Connection -> IO () handshakeClient conf conn = do ver <- getVersion conn let sendEarlyData = isJust $ ccEarlyData conf control <- clientController conf ver (setResumptionSession conn) sendEarlyData setClientController conn control sendClientHelloAndRecvServerHello control conn $ ccEarlyData conf recvServerFinishedSendClientFinished control conn sendClientHelloAndRecvServerHello :: ClientController -> Connection -> Maybe (StreamId,ByteString) -> IO () sendClientHelloAndRecvServerHello control conn mEarlyData = do SendClientHello ch0 mEarlySecInf <- control GetClientHello setEarlySecretInfo conn mEarlySecInf sendCryptoData conn $ OutHndClientHello ch0 mEarlyData (InitialLevel, sh0) <- recvCryptoData conn state0 <- control $ PutServerHello sh0 case state0 of RecvServerHello hndSecInf -> do setHandshakeSecretInfo conn hndSecInf setEncryptionLevel conn HandshakeLevel SendClientHello ch1 mEarlySecInf1 -> do setEarlySecretInfo conn mEarlySecInf1 sendCryptoData conn $ OutHndClientHello ch1 Nothing (InitialLevel, sh1) <- recvCryptoData conn state1 <- control $ PutServerHello sh1 case state1 of RecvServerHello hndSecInf -> do setHandshakeSecretInfo conn hndSecInf setEncryptionLevel conn HandshakeLevel _ -> E.throwIO $ HandshakeFailed "sendClientHelloAndRecvServerHello" _ -> E.throwIO $ HandshakeFailed "sendClientHelloAndRecvServerHello" recvServerFinishedSendClientFinished :: ClientController -> Connection -> IO () recvServerFinishedSendClientFinished control conn = loop (1 :: Int) where loop n = do (HandshakeLevel, eesf) <- recvCryptoData conn state <- control $ PutServerFinished eesf case state of ClientNeedsMore -> do -- Sending ACKs for three times rule when ((n `mod` 3) == 2) $ sendCryptoData conn $ OutControl HandshakeLevel [] loop (n + 1) SendClientFinished cf exts appSecInf -> do setApplicationSecretInfo conn appSecInf setEncryptionLevel conn RTT1Level setPeerParams conn exts sendCryptoData conn $ OutHndClientFinished cf _ -> E.throwIO $ HandshakeFailed "putServerFinished"
NewSessionTicket in a CRYPTO frame is passed to the controller by a receiver thread.
Introducing callbacks
Olivier noticed that both the designated thread and the user of the controller manages the TLS state. To reduce the number of status in the user side, he defined callbacks:
data QUICCallbacks = QUICCallbacks { quicSend :: [(CryptLevel, ByteString)] -> IO () , quicRecv :: CryptLevel -> IO (Either TLSError ByteString) , quicInstallKeys :: KeyScheduleEvent -> IO () , quicNotifyExtensions :: [ExtensionRaw] -> IO () }
Now newQUICClient
takes QUICCallbacks
additionally while the definition of ClientController
remains the same:
newQUICClient :: ClientParams -> QUICCallbacks -> IO ClientController type ClientController = ClientControl -> IO ClientStatus
Then Olivier divided the client side into two phases:
- Phase 1: Send ClientHello, receive ServerHello etc and send Finished.
- Phase 2: Receive NewSessionTicket and store it through a session manager.
The inside of the phases is opaque to users. Both ClientControl
and ClientStatus
were simplified as follows:
data ClientControl = EnterClient -- ^ 'ClientHandshakeComplete', 'ClientHandshakeFailed' | RecvSessionTickets -- ^ 'ClientRecvSessionTicket', 'ClientHandshakeFailed' | ExitClient -- ^ 'ClientHandshakeDone' data ClientStatus = ClientHandshakeComplete | ClientRecvSessionTicket | ClientHandshakeDone | ClientHandshakeFailed TLSError deriving Show
Phase 1 is handled by a user while phase 2 is treated by another thread:
do handshakeClient conf conn `E.onException` clearThreads conn tid4 <- forkIO $ getClientController conn >>= handshakeClientAsync conn
The followings are the definition of handshakeClient
and handshakeClientAsync
handshakeClient :: ClientConfig -> Connection -> IO () handshakeClient conf conn = do ver <- getVersion conn hsr <- newHndStateRef let sendEarlyData = isJust $ ccEarlyData conf qc = QUICCallbacks { quicSend = sendTLS conn hsr , quicRecv = recvTLS conn hsr , quicInstallKeys = installKeysClient , quicNotifyExtensions = setPeerParams conn } control <- clientController qc conf ver (setResumptionSession conn) sendEarlyData setClientController conn control state <- control EnterClient case state of ClientHandshakeComplete -> return () ClientHandshakeFailed e -> notifyPeer conn e >>= E.throwIO _ -> E.throwIO $ HandshakeFailed $ "handshakeClient: unexpected " ++ show state where installKeysClient (InstallEarlyKeys mEarlySecInf) = do setEarlySecretInfo conn mEarlySecInf sendCryptoData conn $ OutEarlyData (ccEarlyData conf) installKeysClient (InstallHandshakeKeys hndSecInf) = do setHandshakeSecretInfo conn hndSecInf setEncryptionLevel conn HandshakeLevel installKeysClient (InstallApplicationKeys appSecInf) = do setApplicationSecretInfo conn appSecInf setEncryptionLevel conn RTT1Level -- second half the the TLS handshake, executed out of the main thread handshakeClientAsync :: Connection -> ClientController -> IO () handshakeClientAsync conn control = handleLog logAction $ forever $ do state <- control RecvSessionTickets case state of ClientRecvSessionTicket -> return () ClientHandshakeFailed e -> notifyPeerAsync conn e >>= E.throwIO _ -> E.throwIO $ HandshakeFailed $ "unexpected " ++ show state where logAction msg = connDebugLog conn ("client handshake: " ++ msg)
Stateless APIs
When I tried to implement HTTP/3, I noticed a disadvantage of this APIs. handshakeClient
returns when 1-RTT gets ready. This means that dynamically-created early data of 0-RTT cannot be sent.
So, I removed both ClientControl
and ClientStatus
completely from users. newQUICClient
was renamed to tlsQUICClient
and it does not return ClientController
tlsQUICClient :: ClientParams -> QUICCallbacks -> IO ()
takes one more field quicDone
mainly used in the server side:
data QUICCallbacks = QUICCallbacks { quicSend :: [(CryptLevel, ByteString)] -> IO () , quicRecv :: CryptLevel -> IO (Either TLSError ByteString) , quicInstallKeys :: Context -> KeyScheduleEvent -> IO () , quicNotifyExtensions :: Context -> [ExtensionRaw] -> IO () , quicDone :: Context -> IO () }
forks the action of tlsQUICClient
and synchronizes with it to return when either 0-RTT or 1-RTT gets ready:
handshakeClient :: ClientConfig -> Connection -> AuthCIDs -> IO () handshakeClient conf conn myAuthCIDs = do ver <- getVersion conn hsr <- newHndStateRef let use0RTT = ccUse0RTT conf qc = QUICCallbacks { quicSend = sendTLS conn hsr , quicRecv = recvTLS conn hsr , quicInstallKeys = installKeysClient hsr , quicNotifyExtensions = setPeerParams conn , quicDone = done } setter = setResumptionSession conn handshaker = tlsQUICClient ... qc tid <- forkIO (handshaker `E.catch` tell) qlogParamsSet conn (confParameters (ccConfig conf), "local") setKillHandshaker conn tid if use0RTT then wait0RTTReady conn else wait1RTTReady conn where tell (TLS.HandshakeFailed (TLS.Error_Misc _)) = return () -- thread blocked tell e = notifyPeer conn $ getErrorCause e installKeysClient _ _ctx (InstallEarlyKeys Nothing) = return () installKeysClient _ _ctx (InstallEarlyKeys (Just (EarlySecretInfo cphr cts))) = do setCipher conn RTT0Level cphr initializeCoder conn RTT0Level (cts, ServerTrafficSecret "") setConnection0RTTReady conn installKeysClient hsr _ctx (InstallHandshakeKeys (HandshakeSecretInfo cphr tss)) = do setCipher conn HandshakeLevel cphr setCipher conn RTT1Level cphr initializeCoder conn HandshakeLevel tss setEncryptionLevel conn HandshakeLevel rxLevelChanged hsr installKeysClient hsr ctx (InstallApplicationKeys appSecInf@(ApplicationSecretInfo tss)) = do storeNegotiated conn ctx appSecInf initializeCoder conn RTT1Level tss setEncryptionLevel conn RTT1Level rxLevelChanged hsr setConnection1RTTReady conn cidInfo <- getNewMyCID conn let ncid = NewConnectionID cidInfo 0 putOutput conn $ OutControl RTT1Level [ncid] done _ctx = do info <- getConnectionInfo conn connDebugLog conn $ bhow info
Like the first approach, NewSessionTicket in a CRYPTO frame is passed to the controller by a receiver thread.
Now the APIs are thread-based, stateless and callbacks only!
If you want to know the discussions deeply, please refer to the following pull requests: