This article reports the current status of the dnsext packages in Haskell. If you don't know what dnsext is, please read "Developing network related libraries in Haskell in 2022FY" first. The purpose of this project is provide DNS full res…
This article is my annual report of 2022FY(fiscal year in Japan; from April 2022 to March 2023). My mission in IIJ is contribute to standardizations of new network protocols by their implementations. As you may know, I maintain some networ…
何度読んでもよく分からないDNS関連のRFCを自分なりに読みやすいようにまとめる私的メモ。 ちなみに、僕は Haskell DNS ライブラリの作者で今も精力的に開発中。 RFC 1035 RFC 1035で定められている構造をトップダウン的に列挙する: メッセージ全体 +------…