
Internet technologies

Implementing HTTP/3 in Haskell

Mew.org is now speaking HTTP/3 (HTTP/2 over QUIC). If you gain access to the site using Firefox Nightly, the first connection would be HTTP/2 then the following connections should be HTTP/3 led by Alt-Svc:.

Firefox Nightly

This article explains insights which I found through the implementation activities of QUIC and HTTP/3 in Haskell.

HTTP/2 server library

I started implementing QUIC in January 2019. It took four months to reach a toy QUIC client since the negotiation part is really complicated. When I tackled the server side, my brain got befuddled. I have no idea on server architecture.

So, I got back to HTTP/2. As described in HTTP/2 server library in Haskell, I succeed to extract HTTP/2 server library from our HTTP/2 server.

QUIC client and server

After resuming QUIC implementation, I spent countless hours to develop QUIC. And finally, I joined 16th interop test event and 17th interop test event.

As described in Implementation status of QUIC in Haskell, I defined the following API:

runQUICServer :: ServerConfig -> (Connection -> IO ()) -> IO ()

When a QUIC connection is created at the server side, a designated lightweight thread is spawned with the Connection type. This abstraction seems reasonable because Connection hides internal information about a QUIC connection. However, I have no idea on how to abstract QUIC streams at that moment. So, I defined the following APIs temporally:

type StreamID = Int
type Fin = Bool
recvStream :: Connection -> IO (StreamID, ByteString)
sendStream :: Connection -> StreamID -> Fin -> ByteString -> IO ()
shutdownStream :: Connection -> StreamID -> IO ()

These APIs seem awkward since it exposes stream identifiers which applications should not know. Anyway, through this development I got an insight that a lot of code can be shared between client and server.

HTTP/2 client library

Now I wanted to verify that HTTP/2 client library can be achieved by sharing a lot of server code. The result is promising. HTTP/2 library in Haskell now provides both client and server side and implements self-testing.

And importantly, I found beautiful abstractions for HTTP requests and responses. For clients, requests are outgoing data. For servers, responses are also outgoing data. Since response statuses can be expressed as a pseudo :status header, we can define outgoing data as follows:

data OutObj = OutObj {
    outObjHeaders  :: [Header]      -- ^ Accessor for header.
  , outObjBody     :: OutBody       -- ^ Accessor for outObj body.
  , outObjTrailers :: TrailersMaker -- ^ Accessor for trailers maker.

data OutBody = OutBodyNone
             -- | Streaming body takes a write action and a flush action.
             | OutBodyStreaming ((Builder -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ())
             | OutBodyBuilder Builder
             | OutBodyFile FileSpec

For the client libarary, Request is just a wrapper data type:

-- | Request from client.
newtype Request = Request OutObj deriving (Show)

Response in the server library is also a wrapper:

-- | Response from server.
newtype Response = Response OutObj deriving (Show)

The same discussion can be done for incoming data thanks to pseudo headers including :method and :path:

type InpBody = IO ByteString

-- | Input object
data InpObj = InpObj {
    inpObjHeaders  :: HeaderTable   -- ^ Accessor for headers.
  , inpObjBodySize :: Maybe Int     -- ^ Accessor for body length specified in c
  , inpObjBody     :: InpBody       -- ^ Accessor for body.
  , inpObjTrailers :: IORef (Maybe HeaderTable) -- ^ Accessor for trailers.

Here comes Response for the client library:

-- | Response from server.
newtype Response = Response InpObj deriving (Show)

And Request in the server library is:

-- | Request from client.
newtype Request = Request InpObj deriving (Show)

I shouted about this experience:

HTTP/3 client and server library

Now it was time to implement HTTP/3. Thanks to Request and Response from HTTP/2 library and QUIC library itself, I was able to concentrate on how to manipulate multiple streams. Suddenly, I got an insight about QUIC streams:

Now QUIC library in Haskell provides an abstract data type for streams:

data Stream

Clients can creates a Stream like sockets:

stream :: Connection -> IO Stream
unidirectionalStream :: Connection -> IO Stream

A server get a Stream when a new QUIC connection comes:

acceptStream :: Connection -> IO (Either QUICError Stream) 

Data can be received and sent though Stream:

-- return "" when FIN is received
recvStream :: Stream -> Int -> IO ByteString
sendStream :: Stream -> ByteString -> IO () 
-- Sending FIN
shutdownStream :: Stream -> IO () 

With these APIs, I was able to develop HTTP/3 really fast. In the sense where a lightweight thread is used per stream, programming HTTP/3 is like HTTP/1.1. In the sense where frames are used, programming HTTP/3 is like HTTP/2. I felt that my long career for HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 is converged in HTTP/3!