This article explains my best current practice on asynchronous exceptions in Haskell using the standard library - Control.Exception. Other libraries for safe exceptions are out of scope. The followings are the definitions of two kinds of e…
GHC 9.6 provides a function to list up the current threads finally. The function is listThreads exported from the GHC.Conc.Sync module. listThreads is a killer debug method for thread leaks. If you have Haskell programs which run for a lon…
This article reports the current status of the dnsext packages in Haskell. If you don't know what dnsext is, please read "Developing network related libraries in Haskell in 2022FY" first. The purpose of this project is provide DNS full res…
I needed to implement the session ticket mechanism for my project. In addition to this coding, I decided to improve the tls library in Haskell drastically. So, I have spent three months to do so and finally released tls vresion 2.0.0. This…
これはHaskell Advent Calendar 2023の19番目の記事です。 フォーマッター 以前、フォーマッターをいくつか試しましたが、どれもイマイチでした。しかし、fourmoluはいけてます。fourmoluは、Ormoluのフォークで、Ormoluが偉大なのでしょう。両方試しました…
This article is my annual report of 2022FY(fiscal year in Japan; from April 2022 to March 2023). My mission in IIJ is contribute to standardizations of new network protocols by their implementations. As you may know, I maintain some networ…
遅延評価、何も分からん。— 山本和彦 (@kazu_yamamoto) 2023年2月18日 Haskellの並行プログラミングの奥義であるatomicModifyIORef'の歴史。内容は予告なく修正される。 atomicModifyIORef'は「IORef」と「関数」を引数に取る。その関数は、IORefが現在指し…
While Haskell quic version 0.0.1 or earlier supports the x86_64 architecture only, version 0.0.2 or later will supports non-x86_64 architectures. cryptonite When I started implementing the quic library in Haskell, I used cryptonite as cryp…
これは、Haskell Advent Calendar 2021の2日目を埋めるために書いた記事です。実は単に僕が作った「関数プログラミングの入門」の資料の宣伝です。 ちなみに、僕の関数プログラミングの定義は「不変データプログラミング」であり、おそらく最も厳しい定義で…
これは、Haskell Advent Calendar 2021 の8日目の記事です。 Haskellのコンパイラとして事実上一択となったGHCには、「軽量スレッド」が実装されています。軽量スレッドは、ネイティブスレッドよりも軽量なスレッドで、他の言語では「グリーンスレッド」とも…
As I described in The Current Plan for Haskell QUIC, I have released the followings: tls http2 quic http3 warp-quic mighttpd2 tls tls v1.5.5 provides the Network.TLS.QUIC module. If you are interested in how this module has been improved, …
If I understand correctly, most QUIC implementations of clients and servers uses unconnected UDP sockets with sendto()/sendmsg() and recvfrom()/recvmsg(). For the server side, this is probably because they adopt event-driven programming. T…
My open server of Haskell QUIC on Linux sometimes got segfaults. I saw two types of segfaults. One is a simple segfault by accessing a wrong address: mighty: segmentation fault The other is relating to free(): *** Error in `mighty': corrup…
For security reasons, the typical boot process of HTTPS servers is as follows: Executed by a root. Reading a TLS private key and open a listen socket on TCP port 443. Switching the root user to nobody (or something). Since accept() can cre…
h2spec is an excellent test tool to check if HTTP/2 servers can handle error cases correctly. When I was developing HTTP/2 server library in Haskell, I used to utilize Firefox and Chrome for normal cases and h2spec for error cases. h2spec …
In recent days, QUIC is hot. As the following blog posts describe, the standardization of QUIC is now in the final stage and h3-29 (HTTP/3 over QUIC of draft 29) is out there: Chrome is deploying HTTP/3 and IETF QUIC How Facebook is bringi…
In "Implementation status of QUIC in Haskell", I briefly described QUIC APIs of the TLS library in Haskell. I first invented APIs based on static functions but switched to the thread-based approach to follow Olivier Chéron's recommendation…
For last two months, I have been trying to implement "QUIC Loss Detection and Congestion Control" in Haskell. This blog article describes a brief summary on what I have done. ACK handling Before loss detection and congestion control were d…
Mew.org is now speaking HTTP/3 (HTTP/2 over QUIC). If you gain access to the site using Firefox Nightly, the first connection would be HTTP/2 then the following connections should be HTTP/3 led by Alt-Svc:. Firefox Nightly This article exp…
After implementing HTTP/2 in Haskell and TLS 1.3 in Haskell, I have been working for IETF QUIC. This article explains what I have done in 2019 fiscal year of Japan to report our sponsor, Internet Initiative Japan (IIJ). I have both titles …
Closing connections gracefully is an old and new problem in network programming. In the HTTP/1.1 days, this did not get attention since HTTP/1.1 is a synchronous protocol. However, as Niklas Hambüchen concretely and completely explained, H…
I'm trying to develop QUIC in Haskell. In short, QUIC is a fast and reliable transport protocol based on UDP. You can think of it as TCP2. HTTP/2 over QUIC is now called HTTP/3. Two level dispatchings are necessary for QUIC: Dispatching QU…
私的なメモ。GHCを生でインストールし、cabalのラッパーであるcabを使っている。stackはたまに使うことがある程度。 例外が起きた場所を探す 以下で例外が起きたときにスタックトレースが取れる。 % prog +RTS -xc GHCiを使う方法もある。 ボトルネックを探…
Haskell TLS library version 1.4.1 or earlier support SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2. Here is brief summary of their security: SSL 2.0 is insecure and obsoleted by RFC 6176 SSL 3.0 is insecure and obsoleted by RFC 7568 TLS 1…
Monadとは、Applicativeであるデータ構造で、(>>=)演算子を提供し、それがMonad法則を満たすものである。 正確に表現するとこうなんですが、「はぁ?」っ感じですよね。「満たすべき法則」とか言われると、まったく理解できません。でも、オススメの形に持っ…
Brief history The first commit of the network library in Haskell was created by Simon Marlow in 2001. It says: Package 'net' moved over. URI & CGI still missing because they have dependencies on other bits that haven't made it over yet. So…
QUICや ああQUICや QUICや 詠み人知らず。QUICの実装の難しさに絶望した心境が詠まれたと伝う。 序章 2017年の7月ごろ、QUICの実装を始めました。Haskellの有名なシリアライザ/デシリアライザである binary や cereal では、バッファ操作ができないので、パ…
NewSessionTicketをいつ送るかの議論です。 まず、TLS 1.3 開発日記 その9 NewSessionTicketをお読み下さい。 Haskell TLS の実装では、Client Finished の値を予測して NewSessionTicket を作成し、handshake() API が送信していました。このときは、クライ…